Streambank Workshop – Time is Running Out!

Hi All,

Just a reminder that time to register for our upcoming Stream Restoration workshop is running out!


If you are considering signing up – NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT!

If you need more information, call us at the contact info below.


Here the info again:


If you are passionate about Stream Restoration than you do NOT want to miss this!


  • 3-days of classroom and in-field instruction at the Shasta College Campus
  • Learn to “Read a Stream” from David Derrick, Vicksburg MS.  David travels 230+ days a year visiting streams, teaching, designing, and implementing projects!!
  • Learn the MOST Environmentally-Sensitive Streambank Stabilization and Biotechnical Techniques from John McCullah.  These are the newest techniques out there.  We’re not going to cover the old stuff.
  • How are redirective techniques (rock vanes and bendway weirs) different from resistive techniques? See it for yourself and learn from experience.
  • Tour  and study TWO remarkable Salmonid stream restoration projects – Sulphur Creek and Clear Creek with the experts  (learn more about Sulphur Creek here)
  • Stillwater Creek at Shasta College will provide a actual learning laboratory
    • Discuss with the experts and plan the real-life restoration of this incised, highly channelized, collapsing Streambank.
    • Come back next year for the hands on execution of that plan
  • Price:  All of this for the silly low price of $ 200
    • Similar one-day courses from John and David cost over $ 300 each.  This BOOT CAMP is 3 days with BOTH John and David. 



David Derrick, Vice President of River Research and Design, Inc.  & John McCullah, Watershed Geologist/CPESC,  Salix Applied Earthcare 



November 10-12, 2009    Tuesday through Thursday 



8:00-4:30 Program starts at 8:30am.  Morning Refreshments and Lunch will be provided each day. 



Shasta College 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding CA 96003 



General $200.00  WCIECA members $175.00 



Tara Petti, Sacramento Watersheds Action Group 

2455 Athens Ave. Redding, Ca 96001 

Phone: 530-247-1600        

[email protected] 






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