20 Jan John – Emails From The Road
Hey Guys,
John is currently in New Zealand working on a huge project. We were hoping to get the cameras down there to follow, but unfortunately schedules didn’t allow. However, John is sending some nice email updates to us back on this continent. They give a nice little glimspe into what’s going on and I thought I’d pass them on to you …
Compost Sock – Living wall, w/ rock toe going in. Willows aren’t allowed here!! Note that rock and compost socks are “tied into bank” upstream.
Third day and we are getting a rhythm going. Bringing on two more excavators and another dump tomorrow. Building dams for diversions are not effective – less (none) sediment and turbidity by just working from top of bank and not rooting around in water.
Altogether about 800 meters of channel widening and shaping – low point bar inner bends and about 5 steep, engineered undercut, outer bends. (with living walls (Compost Sock walls) and incorporated large woody. Also building about 10 Newbury Rock Riffles.
Compost blankets proposed for erosion control and soil conditioning. Compost berms and compost silt socks (wood chips + 50% compost in socks) will be used instead of silt fence. Also note the fiber rolls (hay) installed using type 2 method (stake and rope method). This is new stuff for Auckland Regional Council great technology exchange.
I‘ve been referring many interested to Caltrans LA “tool box”. Compost is gaining awareness and interest. My friend Robert Coulson, RST Enviro Solutions, has a couple of Finn Blowers and another guy here has an Express Blower Truck. Good work my Landscape Architect friends.