09 Nov November Streambank Workshop: Last Chance!
Join the Sacramento Watersheds Action Group and Shasta College for this great educational event:
3.5-days of classroom and in-field instruction at the Shasta College Campus
2 experienced instructors will provide valuable instruction backed by years of practical experience:
- Learn to “Read a Stream” from David Derrick, Vicksburg MS. David travels 230+ days a year visiting streams, teaching, designing, and implementing projects !!
- Learn the MOST Environmentally-Sensitive Streambank Stabilization* and Biotechnical Techniques from John McCullah.
- How are redirective techniques (rock vanes and bendway weirs) different from resistive techniques? Learn from experience.
- What is self-launching / self-filtering rock? What are alternatives to filter fabric for geotechnical root stabilization of the banks?
- Tour 2 remarkable Salmonid stream restoration projects – Sulphur Creek and Clear Creek with the experts. Stillwater Creek at Shasta College will provide a actual learning laboratory
About Stillwater Creek:
This salmon/steelhead stream is incised, channelized, and the 20′-high bank are collapsing. Help us develop a plan for this reach of Stillwater Creek! Help us stabilize the stream bank using state of the art bioengineering techniques!!
This workshop IS the actual process for saving a stream. There is no better way to learn.
All of this and more for only $250 !!!
* Participants will receive the NCHRP Report-544 Environmentally-Sensitive Channel and Bank Protection Measures – the entire manual of 50+ techniques, was written in html and available on CD – results of 3-year research for Transportation Research Board and Academy of Science, includes CAD details, specifications, construction details, research papers on .pdf, case studies, and ‘Greenbank’ selection software.
** The design/planning efforts will help Shasta College and SWAG develop a grant request for restoration. Next years class will implement maybe!!
*** The newly-formed Shasta College Foundation is helping off-set costs for this “not-to-be-missed” educational event. Lunches will be provided along with transportation to field trip sites.
These “old innovative” techniques will NOT be covered!!
Contact Salix Applied Earthcare to sign up.
Call them at (530) 247-1600.
Or email at: info (at) salixaec.com