File this under ‘Neither Here nor There’…

A quick, little fun link for a Friday afternoon.  Click Here to see a pretty fascinating webpage dedicated to documenting (before they collapse) the ‘world’s most dangerous bridges’.  

They’re mostly foot bridges, so the connection to erosion control is relatively loose and/or non-existent.  But, it’s a fun read nonetheless.

Click here for the link


Well, let’s keep the destruction videos coming, shall we?

We recently received this video via David Derrick.  It’s a demolition of the Yazoo River Bridge in Redwood.  It’s not really erosion and sediment control related, nor WYD related, but who doesn’t like watching things blow up and fall down?

Here’s the video:

I also, did a quick search to see what else is out there.  So, in case, that one video didn’t do it for ya, here is a fantastic, Operatic video done by Virginia Department of Transportation.  Great Stuff!


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