Back in March, I was covering the Game Developers Conference down in San Fransico for New Media Manitoba here in Winnipeg. While there, we came across City Rain – An award-winning video game that is all about sustainable development. For all you gamers out there, it’s a mix between SimCity and Tetris.

In the game, you play the role of Mayor, making decisions on what’s best for your city. To quote their website:

City Rain has simple mechanics: the building fall from de sky, or “rain”, randomly and it’s the player’s duty to choose where is the best place to put them. But don’t think that the player is all alone in this task. He can count on Catherine, who will help him by giving advices or criticizing the administration of the city.

It’s a fun game and would be a really useful teaching tool – especially for a younger demographic.

There is a free demo of the game on the site, here.

Check it out.



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