First 5 Mins: Willow Creek Streambank Stabilization Episode

Over the course of Sept-Nov 2008, John and I made frequent visits over to Alberta, just outside of Calgary.  The Alberta Department of Infrastructure and Transportation (AIT) hired John to consult, design and deliver a very big, very impressive BioEngineering workshop.  And of course, we were there with cameras (due to the great support of AIT).

BlinkWorks is on the homestretch of the video edit, and the episodes should be available quite soon.  But, we wanted to give a sneak peek and show a rough cut of the first 5 minutes.  This early footage gives a pretty good idea of what the project entailed.

The workshop centered around a project that aimed to save Highway 2 (a major highway connecting Fort McCleod and Calgary) from being undercut by Willow Creek.  A harmless enough looking waterway, Willow Creek had developed the devious little habit of eating away its banks toe, which led to major landslide failures.

In the past, we did similar projects for AIT up in Hinton Alberta.  Check out our ‘Hinton’ episodes in Season 1 and Season 2.

We’ll definitely be posting more material soon.  And of course, stay tuned to find out when the entire video is released.

Or better yet, send me an email through the contact us link and we’ll let you know as soon as its released!


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