CASE STUDIES will post blogs of Case Studies regularly.

In 2005 the Transportation Research Board and National Academy of Science published NCHRP Report 544 – Environmentally Sensitive Channel and Bank Protection Methods, meant to provide “DOT Highway engineers with “alternatives to riprap”.

John “wrote the book” on ‘alternatives to riprap’ for the federal highway’s transportation research board.

John, wearing another hat as a practicing fluvio-geomorphologist, has been designing and building, and documenting alternative-environmentally-sensitive methods for over 15-years.  John’s experience involves project design, management, of channel and bank methods that incorporates “rock and willow – biotechnical methods.  Definition of Biotechnical Methods – methods that combine engineering/structural elements (rock, large woody debris, rock and willow-filled gabion structures etc.) combined with vegetative elements in a mutually-reinforcing manner. will make an effort to present these methods, as case studies, beginning with the Caltrans SR 128 Geyserville Bridge over the important Salmonid-rearing Russian River, in the wine region.

Reports, Techniques, & More

  1. Geyserville Report March 8
  2. Russian River Bank Stabilization Timelapse
  3. Willow Live Siltation
  4. Willow Posts and Poles
  5. Redirective vs. Resistive Stabilization
  6. Self Launching vs. Graded Stone
  7. Environmentally Sensitive Streambank Article in Land and Water
  8. What I’ve Learned About Streambank Stabilization Article in Land and Water
  9. Crews Try to Save HWY 128 at Geyserville Bridge

John got to spend last week on assignment (not a vacation!) on the island of Oahu.  He was invited to Keynote at this years annual Protect Our Water Conference, 2019 at the Ko’olau Balrooms. The education and awareness event was sponsored by State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Airports, and Harbors and coordinated by

John reported that about 400 attended.  The topic of John’s Keynote and the subsequent sessions were BMPs -the “Tools of Compliance” and  how understanding them from a practical, experiential standpoint allows Best of the BMPs
Hands-on Field Training on the second day was a new addition to the Conference.  John used his experience of doing filed training with Caltrans and, of course, the BMPs SUMMIT at Shasta College as the format for the demonstrations.  Hawaiian Earth Recycling provided the site near Kapolei.
IECA Member Eddie Snell, with Applied Polymer Systems, made the trip from Florida to present and he made a great demonstration of PAM flocculants cleaning up dirty flowing water.
Here are a few Photos from John of his trip and taken as the site was made ready

This Biotechnical Soil / Slope Stabilization used to protect top of slope recession on the Bluffs above Redding’s Sacramento River.

This VMSE detail, along with widely referenced design and construction guidance, comes from BioDraw3.0 and ESenSS Manuals with CAD-ready digital files.  See Store

The Problem

“The Bluffs” condominiums in Redding CA have provided spectacular views of the Sacramento River, Redding City, and the mountains to the west since they were developed in the 1970’s.  The best views are afforded to those “condos” which are set back only 35’ from the cliff (bluff) edge.  The bluffs are over 200-ft high above the river.  The slope is generally stable, even though the slope averages 0.5V:1H, as it is well vegetated with Canyon Live Oaks, Pines, shrubs, a few willows, and some native grasses. The soil is derived from sedimentary conglomerate deposited tens of thousands of years ago. The bluffs are relatively stable from erosion.  It takes very severe runoff to erode.  Lateral recession on this site is less than 1-ft to 3-ft since “The Bluffs” were built over 40 years ago.  However a few locations along the property have experienced shallow gully or slumping erosion due primarily to irrigation water line breaks.

Fig 1 – The bluffs are about 200’ high.  We decided to start the structure at a stable platform approximately 25’ vertical below top of bank.


Fig. 2  The “toe” of the structure utilized Coir Logs anchored with Gripple anchors and wrapped in Biaxial Geogrid


The Challenges

The Condos were built close together which only allowed a concrete path wide enough for wheelbarrow access.  Therefore all materials would be carried or wheel-borrowed and carried down by ladder. The slope was probably about 0.5H:1V.  A softy rope was required always and sometimes the equipment and tools needed to be tied off. The Sacramento River was about 150’ to catch them if they fell!
Fig 3 and 4   The Growsoxx were about 3’ long and the Siltsoxx were 10-12’ long, each could be carried by hand.


Site goals, opportunities and constraints were:

1.    There was no equipment access between the condos, wheelbarrow only.

2.    The desired outcome was to return the slope to restore some of the contours.  That would require an average of roughly 3-4ft of fill horizontally.

3.    A soldier pile wall or adding compacted layers of engineered fill, 0.5:1 slope over 20-ft high was not feasible.

4.    A lighter fill comprised of 50% sandy/gravelly loam mixed with 50% composted OM, reinforced with geogrid and roots seemed possible given the wheelbarrow transport and hand shovel restrictions.

5.    A rule of thumb for bioengineering on steep adverse soils is to compensate for lack of compaction (engineered soils) with lots of reinforcement (geogrids and geotextiles initially and variable roots long term) and use relatively free draining soils with added cohesion (in the form of fungi, humus, and organic matter).

6.     Compost-filled socks were selected for both reinforced fill and an excellent growth medium.  We relied on compost socks for over half of the needed fill, and was also used as the new slope facing.  The compost was relatively light so we weren’t putting an inordinate amount of weight on the steep slope and the “encapsulated” compost socks allows us many opportunities to “anchor” the structural elements to each other and to the slope.

7.    The Filtrexx Siltsoxx and Growsoxx proved to be perfect product components for this project.  Growsoxx are produced to grow vegetation really well.  The compost filling them is certified compliant with the US Compost Council and there are many successfully documented projects using the Growsoxx to establish “living walls”.  The Siltsoxx, on the other hand, are particularly designed to filter sediment-laden water. Because they are filled with a larger gradation of composted chips and stems, averaging 5/8” diameter, they allow free drainage but and are thought to be less effective as a growing medium.

8.    I used some specific rationale in selecting both Siltsoxx and Growsoxx for this job.  The material enveloping the Siltsoxx (green geotextile) appears stronger and longer lasting.  If we use the Siltsoxx along the horizontal areas “lifts” where we plant / install willow branches (brushlayering) then having a super growth medium on the slope surface is not that important.  Remember the willows will root from deeper into the slope.  And the bigger wood chip gradations will last longer.

9.    I further theorized that the Growsoxx would be better used behind the Siltsoxx, deeper in the slope, when brushlayering is used.  That is where the willow roots will need good growth medium. Conversely, the Growsoxx will be more effective on the slope outer face when we are relying on native grasses and grass plugs to take over.

Figs 5 & 6  Willow Brushlayering and Geogrid were, in my opinion, the most critical elements on this project, where typical engineering criteria was not feasible or desirable, like engineered and compacted fill (woody and herbaceous growth is minimized as compaction reaches 90% or more) and soil nails (drilling into the face of the bluffs conglomerate was also infeasible).
Fig. 7    A similar slump/erosion feature nearby revealed the stability and beneficial “buttressing” provided by a single willow shrub!  We planted nearly 200 branches and expect very good establishment.
A geomorphic-based investigation of the bluffs revealed that trees, native grasses and willows were abundant and probably responsible for the relative stability from erosion of the Bluffs in general.
Lastly we installed 260 grass plugs which we acquired from Hedgerow Farms in Woodland.  We chose Elymus glaucous and Nassella pulchra because both are California natives and are indigenous to this area. Both have fibrousroots (high pullout resistance) that typically can extend 4′ to 6’ deep.  Nassella p. or Purple Needlegrass is the State Native Grass and these bunch grasses have been cited as living 80 years.  Of course we amended the soils with Biosol Forte (a slow, biologically released fertilizer) and AM 120 Arbuscular Mychorrizae.  (Note – Compost does not have mychorrizae in it – it has lots of bacterial, but the composting process will effectively kill any fungal propagules or spores.  It must therefore be introduced from nearby or applied, most practically as a commercial product)
Figs 8 & 9  A dibble tool used to insert grass plug through geogrid and into the compost sock.
Fig 10 & 11  The plugs are growing rapidly, size has increased by 200% in just 4 weeks.  The full-grown Nassella is probably two to three years old.


For more information on this and more projects visit again.  In the near future, we will be offering technical case studies, self-published in, pdf format.


*Also think about attending the Western Water Summit January 22-23, 2019 at the Paradise Point Resort in San Diego’s Mission Bay.  John will be teaching and lecturing at a 1-day course entitled  “Topics in Watershed Restoration: Selected Sustainable Approaches and Methods from Streams, Slopes, Wildfire, and Stormwater BMPs Driven by Climate Change” John McCullah


*Additionally, John will be teaching a 1/2 day course on “Bioengineering for Slopes and Streams Plus Case Studies” at the IECA 2019 Annual Conference in Denver.  The IECA Conference runs from February 20th – 22nd, 2019
Johns Course is one of the Pre-Conference Workshops offers on Tuesday, February 19


* For those of you in the Mid-west, John will be a Keynote Speaker and teaching the Bioengineering Course at the 2019 MECA 31st Annual Conference, Minnesota Erosion Control Association – January 29th-31st, 2019
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